2-room nikolaev apartment on Schevchenko 64Apartment located in the center of Nikolaev with view to Sovetskaya street - heart of Nikolaev and popular place of tourists and citizens of Nikolaev
Kitchen has all facilities, microwave oven, electric cooker, electric kettle, cooking appliences
Kitchen of this apartment is very spacious.
Bedroom has new furniture: big wordrobe with mirrow doors, king size bed
There are iron and iron board in the bedroom and small table with chairs
Bathroom is spacious in light blue and white colors. There are washing-machine and shower cabin, mirrow.
2-room Nikolaev apartment on Komsomolskaya street, 5 minutes from Nikolaev Zoo and a few bus stops from international bus station. There is large supermarket Yujniy Bug near. A few bus stops to Sovetskaya street.
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